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How to set DNS server

As you probably know, DNS is a service whose task is to convert names to IPs. That is, when you want to open, for example, this letter is first sent to the DNS server set on your computer. Then that server returns the corresponding IP address to your system. And finally, the request to open the site is sent using IP.

Therefore, it is very important to set up the DNS server on the server and the client and wherever you intend to use Internet services.

Famous global DNS servers

These servers that serve globally belong to big companies including Google and Cloudflare. It is recommended to use these servers for easy access to your VPN. related to Cloudflare related to Google

Setting DNS server through the HiddifyManager

To do this, go to the panel settings and in the general settings section, put the desired server in the DNS server field. The work is done.

The panel has automatically set the Cloudflare server for you, and of course, it has also put suggestions at the bottom that you can apply if needed.

Setting DNS server via SSH

If for any reason you wanted to use SSH to do this setup, connect to your server via SSH and then press ctrl+c to exit the Hiddify menu. * In the terminal environment, type this command to open the DNS server settings with the nano text editor.

sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf
* Then edit nameservers, which refers to the DNS server here, and change it as follows.

* Press ctrl+s to save and ctrl+x to exit. * Now you have to make this file cannot be changed by the system. For this, use the following command.

chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
* The work is done.

DNS leak test on server

The easiest tool to test leaks on the server is to use nslookup.

  • First, if nslookup is not installed, install it with this command.

sudo apt install dnsutils
To test, you must test a domain such as using this tool.

If the output of the command was as follows, it means that the work is done correctly and DNS leak does not happen on the server.

As you can see, in the Server section, the first server,, placed in the settings file, is displayed. Here you should not see anything other than the designated servers. Otherwise, you have to do the above steps correctly again. Learn more about DNS leaks

Last update: February 22, 2025
