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Tutorial for setting up IPv6 to improve Relay stability

Using Main Servers' IPV6 for Tunnel Resilience

Using Tunnel with IPv6 for bypassing filtering systems and creating a stable connection has become an effective and popular method. This approach provides high flexibility, especially for relay servers and main servers, and can improve connection quality.

Tunnel Method with IPV6

Using IPV6 can be done in two different ways for connecting between relay servers and main servers:

  1. Creating a local IPV6 on two relay and main servers and connecting the main server IPV6 to the relay server network.

  2. Using the main server's IPV6 on both relay and main servers and connecting the main server IPV6 to the Iran network. This method requires that both relay servers have IPV6 enabled on their network cards, which can be verified with the ip a command in the server's terminal.

Note: The best methods for these two approaches are Gost and Decodemodoor, which have been practically tested.

How to Perform the Process

It doesn’t matter which method you use, for optimal performance, you need to use the relay server mid-scripter on Hiddify Manager.

  1. Review the related mid-scripter article for Hiddify for installation instructions on the relay server.

  2. Execute the script installation command, and after installation is complete, the mid-scripter environment will be displayed for you.

Mid-Scripter Interface

This interface contains various tunnel methods and related script settings. Choose either Gost or Decodemodoor.

  1. Select the first option based on your chosen method, then choose add inbounds and enter the main server’s IPV6 or local IPV6 in the correct format.

  2. After entering the IPV6, proceed to select a port and enter a desired port.

  3. Done! Now, log into Hiddify Manager, select the relay option from the domains section, enter Cloudflare, and create a record A with your desired domain and IPV4 server in Iran. Input the subdomain address in the relay domain section and save it.

Suggested Proxies

  • http tcp relay vmess
  • http httpupgrade relay vmess

These methods can help create a stable and secure connection, especially in filtering conditions.

Last update: February 22, 2025
